Lockdown 3.

During Lockdown 3 we are at home with our young children in our country home near Harrogate, North Yorkshire. Christian Evans and I have been busy liaising with our team at ARKS in readiness of manufacturing commencing in the next 2 weeks for our first Model S units. This will also see the commencement of planting for OneThousandTrees, our tree planting non-profit organisation. Our OneWhale team are scattered between here in the UK, Norway and California and are working hard to progress discussions with the government officials in Hammerfest for the sanctuary to home Hvaldi and other Beluga whales. At STARS we are building the tech platform and app two enable smooth partnership with restaurants and food outlet partners when we eventually intend to launch this summer. Alongside all of this activity we intend to start out next stage of tree planting at home this month once the temperature is sufficiently above freezing. Working with the Woodland Trust we are looking to plant many 1,000s of native woodland trees at home. Adam Thorpe.




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